Monday, February 27, 2012

[News] Junsu's Cyworld

Diposkan oleh Diza_randani
아버지와의 이별도 어느 새 한 달이 지나간다.
무엇이 그리 정신이 없었는지
슬퍼할 여유조차 없이 바삐 보냈다.
지금 돌아보면 모든게 꿈만 같고
아직도 꿈을 꾸는 것 같은.
아버지 일 정리, 집 이사, 관련서류정리 등
모든 게 내게 있어 처음이라,
새로운 가장으로써 처음 하는 일들이라,
오히려 더 이를 악문 듯하다.
지금 돌아보면 장례 때,
아버지 가시는 길 외롭지 않게 해주신 모든분들께
진심으로 눈물나게 고맙다.
거친 세상속에서 또 다른 큰 따뜻함을 느꼈던.
내 자신이 더 강해져야 한다는 마음에도,
매 순간순간마다 나를 찾아오는 아주 커다란 공허함.
그 뒤로 꼬리를 물고 찾아오는 허무함에 가슴이 먹먹해진다.
나는 오늘도 아버지와 갑작스런 이별에 의문의 물음표를 익삭이며,
내 꿈을 떨쳐보낸다.
야속한 일상과 사회생활 속에서 8년간 떨어져 있던 우리.
후회로 되돌아오는 이 순간.
당신과 주어졌던 시간이 여기까지였던 줄 어떻게 알았을까.
세상은 차갑지만 따뜻하다. 그러나 따뜻하지만 차갑다.

그때, 몰랐던 당신이 내안에 많습니다.
이제 조금 알 것 같은데, 이미 우리에게 주어진 시간은
여기까지인가 봅니다.
잃어봐야 소중함을 안다는 이야기.
아직 당신의 흔적들이 많습니다.
어디선가 큰아들아 하고 부를 것 같은
내 귀에 잊혀지지 않을 당신의 우렁찬 목소리.
학창시절 시험공부에 밤 늦게까지 지쳐 있을 때,
조용히 오셔서 내 어깨를 주물러 주시던 따뜻한 두 손.
유년시절 내게 권투와 축구를 가르쳐 주시며
함께 뛰었던 운동장. 그 가슴 벅찼던 우리의 숨소리.

돌아가시기 며칠 전까지, 나의 무릎수술에 관해 걱정하시고,
괜히 걱정할까봐 자식들에게 얘기도 안하고 응급실로 가셨던,
그런 당신을 이제는 볼 수 없고, 들을 수 없고, 만질 수 없음에
너무나 가슴이 아픕니다.
사랑해요 아빠 라고 소리내어 표현하지 못했던,
성인이 된 후, 당신과의 추억하나 만들지 못했던게 아픕니다.


이제는 편히 쉬세요.

2012. 2. 26.
아들 김준수 올림

[News] Junsu's Cyworld english translation

Diposkan oleh Diza_randani

Before I even knew it, it's already been a month since the passing of my father.
The time flew by in a blink and I was so busy I couldn't even afford to be sad.

When I look back at it now, everything seems like a dream, it is like as if I'm still dreaming.

Taking care of my father's affairs, moving houses, arranging the related documents...
Since it was a new experience for me, since I was doing it for the first time as a new head of the household more than ever did it feel like going forward with tightly clenched teeth.

When I think of the funeral, I am sincerely thankful to everyone who didn't let my father feel lonely on his last journey.

I have understood that there is still plenty of warmth in this harsh world.

Although I keep telling myself that I have to become stronger, the huge emptiness would strike me again and again.

It never rains but it pours, because right after it is followed by a futile feeling leaving my heart stunned.

Even today, as I suppress questioning the sudden passing of my father, I cast my dreams away.

Unkind everyday and social lives have separated us for 8 years.

And all that there is left now is regret.

How was I supposed to know that a time given to spend with you was only up till then.

The world is cold, but it's warm. Yet even though it's warm, it's cold.

Back then, there were many times when I couldn't understand you.

Now it seems that I do a little, but I see the time that has been given to us is up.

They say you don't understand what's precious to you until you lose it.

I still can trace you in many things.

Your sonorous voice that my ears cannot forget, calling me "elder son" out of somewhere.

Your warm hands rubbing my shoulders as you would silently come into my room in my high school days when I would be tired of studying for the exams until the early hours.

The stadium where we would run together in my early childhood, when you taught me boxing and football. Our breath storming out of our chests.

Even a few days before the passing, after having been worried about my knee surgery, you went to the emergency room without having told your sons a word, because you were worried that we might get anxious in vain.
And now it really hurts that I can no longer see you, can no longer hear you, can no longer touch you.

It hurts that I never get to express "Dad I love you" out loud, that I never had a chance to make any memory with you after I have become an adult.

I love you
I am sorry

From now on, rest in peace.

Your son Kim Junsu

Source ::

[Photo] Yoona is The "Goddess of The Beach"

Diposkan oleh Diza_randani

Girls' Generation's Yoona has once again captured the hearts of netizens with her undeniably goddess beauty!

A photo was posted on an online community board recently titled, “Yoona’s picture collection.” The photo shows Yoona against a seaside background. Her fair skin combined with her attractive facial features makes for a divine image, making male fans' hearts flutter.

Netizens commented, "She is so innocent and lovely", "I envy her beauty", "I just smile whenever I see her" and more.

Meanwhile, Yoona will be appearing on new drama "Love Rain" which is scheduled to premier on March


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soal Biologi

Diposkan oleh Diza_randani
Readers !!
Biology turns now. Let's Begin :D



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